1. Expectations, expectations, expectations...
I expect this class is going to push my limits and preferably help me develop my problem solving skills. My original expectations were no doubt flawed since I had no prior knowledge of what this class actually entailed. I expected similar things to Illustration and Visual Communications. I am not entirely confident in my problem solving abilities and often times my work itself. I often feel like it needs to be critiqued before I can consider it complete or passable. I want this class to increase my confidence in both my work and my skills that allow me to create that work.
2. An interesting project...
A Personal Storybook
Project Description:
Create a story that encapsulates your mental image of yourself; real or ideal. This may include things that influence your art and style. Put more simply, create a story that includes themes and ideas that influence you or you are attracted to. Create a method that will allow others to view this story. Such as a picture book, graphic novel, or even a poster.
You. So many projects are based on what others want from you. This project is based on what you want to show others.
"This story encapsulates who I am (or want to be) and what influences me and my style."
The audience will most likely be the people who are interested in you. They may be interested in you as a person or maybe even just your art style and the work you do. Also, you are the sender, but also part of the audience. This is because this project will allow you to understand yourself better.
It has basically been answered already, but this project is to allow others and yourself to understand you better.
3. Concerns and issues...
My biggest concerns with developing as a designer is not being able to pass that student-professional hurdle. I am concerned that I will not be confident enough in myself and my work to call myself a professional. I will not always have critiques to make my work better, but I feel like I need them still to proceed. I know I can improve my confidence in my work if I work often and push through various personal projects outside of class time. My problem is that I do not often work on personal projects outside of class expect the occasional small drawings.
A concern I know I share with many others is how to present my work so it gets acknowledged. I need to have confidence in my own work before I can ask others to feel confident about my work. Similar to above, I just need to start working on my own more and become more comfortable with what I do.